How to Fix Overbite

Having an overbite can lead to problems when chewing, speaking, and breathing. Luckily, there are some simple ways to fix it include metal braces and clear aligners. Depending on the severity of the overbite, additional treatments may be recommended.1

How to fix overbite is caused by the upper teeth overlapping the lower teeth too much. This can be a genetic trait that people are born with or a result of habits like thumb-sucking, excessive use of bottles and pacifiers, and biting pencils and nails. Over time, the tongue can also push the back of the teeth forward, creating an overbite known as buck teeth.

How to Fix an Overbite: Your Treatment Options Explained

The earlier an overbite is treated, the easier it is to correct. Children can receive treatment before their adult teeth grow in to prevent the problem from worsening. Adults can treat their overbite too, but the methods they choose will be based on their personal goals and how severe their overbite is.

A severe overbite may require braces, headgear, or surgery to fix. However, there are many other ways to lessen the impact of an overbite at home. These might include avoiding bad habits, such as biting your nails or sucking your thumb, and wearing a mouth guard at night to stop teeth grinding. There are also a number of overbite correction exercises that can help, as well as dietary and lifestyle changes.